
Steven Furtick Net Worth (2025)
Lifestyle | Bio | Facts [UPDATED]

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Steven Furtick Net Worth, Biography & Lifestyle: Larry Stevens Furtick Jr., lead pastor and founder of Elevation Church has a net worth of $77 million.

He is also an author and a singer-songwriter. 

At a very young age – sixteen to be exact- he decided to be a preacher to “reach the whole world for Christ.”

But the question is…

…was he really preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ?


…he’s just another false prophet that’s in it for the money? Only one way to find out.

Here, we’re enthused to bring you significant and alarming details of Steven Furtick Net Worth.

Today, we’re going to be diving deep into Steven’s life with Christ and we’ll be looking at:

  • How Steven’s life and lifestyle changed through his profession;
  • His New York bestselling books and record-breaking worship songs;
  • Steven’s controversial house – a house worth $1.7 million, tax-free!
  • Buckets of truths or lies? – be the judge.
  • And much more!

So, without further ado…

…let’s hear Pastor Steven preach!

Who Is Steven Furtick?

Steven Furtick Net Worth

Steven Furtick is the pastor of what they call the “megachurch” – Elevation Church.

Elevation Church has been located in Charlotte, North Carolina since 2006. 

To date, the church still continues to grow, which allows them to establish more than 15 locations around the nation with more than 20,000 people – unbelievable, right?

Believe it or not…

Steven ultimately did a great job in leading the church through his faith in what he believes God had called him to be. 

His spiritual knowledge broke through every people across the globe. He was even invited as a speaker to a lot of events and conferences all over the world. 

Not only that…

Steven is also well-known for two Best-selling books – Greater, and Crash the Chatterbox.

More than 2 million people have already subscribed to Elevation Church YouTube Channel and Steven is followed by 3.5 million people on his Instagram account.


just like other preachers, he’s quite controversial – you’ll know why.

Profession: Pastor, singer-songwriter, author
Worth: $77 Million
Date of Birth: Feb 19, 1980 (44 years old)
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Brown
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Smoking/ Drinking : Yes / No
Favorite Food: Peanuts
Place of Birth: Monks Corner, South Carolina
Language: English
Nationality: American
Religion: Christian
Relationship Status: Married
No. of Children: 3

How Much Is Steven Furtick Worth?

The spirit-driven pastor, Steven Furtick, has an estimated net worth of  $77 million.

Steven Furtick Net Worth Year By Year

YearEarnings $
2006$ 2 Million
2007$ 3 Million
2008$ 4 Million
2009$ 5 Million
2010$ 6 Million
2011$ 7 Million
2012$ 8 Million
2013$ 9 Million
2014$ 10 Million
2015$ 20 Million
2016$ 30 Million
2017$ 40 Million
2018$50 Million
2019$ 60 Million
2020$ 70 Million

Steven Furtick Books

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Greater Devotional: A Forty-Day Experience to Ignite God’s Vision for Your Life (2014)

This devotional book challenges everyone to ignite the spirit of the vision God had put in us. We are all uniquely made with an amazing purpose which we’re about to learn by following God’s will for us.

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Crash the Chatterbox (2014)

Steven Furtick discusses ways to overcome lies of insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement by relying on God’s promises.

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Seven-Mile Miracle: Journey Into the Presence of God Through the Last Words of Jesus (2017)

A seven-session, video-based study emphasizing the last words of Christ from the Holy Land. It also provides a time of worship at the end of every session.

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(Un)Qualified: How God Uses Broken People to Do Big Things (2016)

Steven Furtick talks about how qualified the unqualified in the kingdom of God. God didn’t look for qualifications, he looks for those who are willing to take up the cross.

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Greater (2012)

Steven Furtick draws us back to the story of Elisha who faithfully believed that nothing is impossible through God.

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Sun Stand Still: A Forty-Day Experience to Activate Your Faith

A devotional book that challenges everyone to seek God, live for him and believe that he does miracles in the most unexpected ways – every day.

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Sun Stand Still: What Happens When You Dare to Ask God for the Impossible (2010)

Steven Furtick talks about the biblical story of when God had made the impossible happen through the eyes of man.

The Young Steven Furtick

Young Steven Furtick

The young preacher was born in Moncks Corner South Carolina on February 19, 1980.

Steven attended Berkeley High School and earned a degree in Communications at North Greenville University.

What made him decide to become a preacher?

Steven had read a book entitled Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala and Dean Merrill that strongly pushed him to minister.

From then, he earned his degree on Masters of Divinity at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Before establishing Elevation Church, Steven worked as a music director in Christ Covenant Church in Shelby, North Carolina.

After a short period of time, he launched his congregation which started with fourteen members.

As the name of the Elevation Church implies – it elevated and became one of the fastest-growing churches to date.

Steven Furtick is an Aquarius – known to have a sense of critical thinking, social consciousness, and assertiveness.

All these qualities were shown in the way he preached. No wonder a lot of individuals around the globe listen to his preachings.

Steven Furtick Family & Relationships

Steven Furtick Wife – Holly Furtick

Steven Furtick Wife - Holly Furtick

Steven and Holly have been happily married since 2002. Both of them lead their congregation faithfully.

Holly Furtick set up her own YouTube Channel where she uploaded videos of her bible study meetings as well as her cooking recipes.

Aside from that, Holly established her own shop with personalized items (shirts, hoodies, joggers, etc.).

Steven Furtick Children – Elijah, Graham, and Abbey

Steven Furtick Children - Elijah, Graham, and Abbey

Steven and Holly have three adorable children. Their eldest, Elijah Furtick followed by Graham Furtick, and the youngest, Abbey Furtick.

Abbey often appears on Holly’s YouTube Channel whenever it’s about cooking something delish. The same goes for Graham.

Elijah, on the other hand, also has his YouTube Channel – “dothedash”, where he does tutorials of musical beats and produces songs as well.

Musicality runs in their blood.

In one of Steven’s IG posts, he shared that Abbey composed her first song and it was good.

Fun Fact!

Steven Furtick often includes his family in his gospel sermon.

Steven Furtick Parents

Steven was born of Larry Stevens Furtick and Faith Furtick.

We’re not yet done!

Coming right down is Steven Furtick’s long list of events attended; awards, and nominations; his generosity; the most awaited $1.7 million controversial house – and another revelation!

Steven Furtick Career

He has also invested in a skincare product for black women.

  • 2016 Hillsong European Conference in London
  • 2015 Dominion Camp Meeting
  • 2014 Hillsong Conference
  • 2012-2013 Presence Conference; Hillsong Conference 2012; C3 Conference 2012
  • 2011 Global Leadership Summit (hosted by Bill Hybels)
  • 2011 Elephant Room Season 1 & 2 (presented by James MacDonald)

Steven Furtick Awards and Nominations

  • 2017 O Come to the Altar (nominated as the Song of the Year and Worship Song of the Year)
  • 2018 Do it Again (nominated as the Worship Song of the Year)
  • 2018 See a Victory (nominated as the Song of the Year)
  • 2020 The Blessing – Live (awarded the Worship Song Recorded Song of the Year)

Grammy Awards

  • 2019 Hallelujah Here Below (nominated as the Best Contemporary Christian Music Album)
  • 2021 The Blessing (nominated as the Best Contemporary Christian Performance/Song)

Steven Furtick Scandals & Controversies

Steven Furtick Scandals & Controversies

Steven Furtick appeared on news headlines for his controversial $1.7 million house, tax-free. It’s a 16,000 square foot home built on 19 acres of land.

He explained in his sermon that he built the house using his book sales earnings as well as his salary. Steven also apologized for all the inconvenience the issue had caused.

A Board of Overseers sets Steven Furtick’s salary – to date, there are no public records of it.

Elevation disclosed its financial records in 2014 where the church received $33.5 million offerings. They used $3.8 million for outreach programs, spent $9 million on personnel, and $13.9 million in cash assets.

But no disclosure of Steven’s salary – quite suspicious, isn’t it?

Apart from this, all of their staff and volunteers were obliged to sign an agreement not to disclose the financial status of the church.

Not only that…

…in 2020, Doreen Virtue interviewed a former volunteer leader at Elevation Church and revealed some of the things that made him leave Elevation.

How Steven Furtick Spends His Money

Steven Furtick House

The Furtick family resides in Waxhaw, North Carolina. The house was built on 7.7 hectares of land with seven bathrooms, a basement, garage, attic, and porch space.

Steven Furtick House

Steven Furtick Philanthropy

In 2008, Steven Furtick surprised the members of his congregation by giving $40,000 for them to use in helping other people.

Elevation Church has given more or less $100 million to their local and global partners.

Not only that…

…in 2011, their congregation launched “The Orange Initiative” where it provides $750,000 to support Charlotte people in partnership with Anthony Foxx – former US Secretary of Transportation.

In 2012, 1600 members volunteered for the M1 Initiative outreach program at Elevation to mentor students in different school areas for S.Y 2012-2013.

The church has done a lot of outreach programs

During the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic, they’ve helped other churches by giving them thousands of dollars and supporting other people with food and shelter.

Fun Facts About Steven Furtick

  • Steven Furtick’s favorite band is Nirvana and Guns & Roses.
  • He drank a dozen of diet sodas a day.
  • Steven’s favorite snack is peanuts.
  • Steven’s biggest fear is knives – according to Holly.
  • He had a crush on Ariel in The Little Mermaid.

5 Financial Freedom Lessons From Steven Furtick

  1. Invest in what you value.
  2. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.
  3. You don’t have to show your earnings to other people.
  4. Be private when it comes to your finances.
  5. Give God all the glory of all the blessings you received.

Top 3 Quote From Steven Furtick

  • “God wants us to pray in such a way that we have to immediately remind ourselves of God’s infinite greatness so that we don’t freak out”
  • “God’s hand is often visible, but it is never inactive.”
  • “God’s word is like a can of paint. Its value is in the application.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Steven Furtick gay?

No, Steven Furtick is not gay. He is happily married to Holly Furtick and identifies himself as a man.

What is the church of Steven Furtick?

The church of Steven Furtick is the Elevation Church.

Who are the kids of Steven Furtick?

Steven Furtick has three kids – Elijah, Graham, and Abbey.

How did Steven Furtick make his money?

Steven Furtick has made his money as a motivational speaker and author and NOT through the donations of his congregation.

What is Elevation Church net worth?

 Steven Furtick has a net worth of $55 million.

How much does Elevation Worship get paid?

Worship Leader salaries are $38,289/yr

Conclusion: Steven Furtick Net Worth & Biography

So, what are your thoughts on Steven Furtick?

We learn that he dreamt to become a minister at a very young age.

 He believes that it was his calling and that he should not delay it.

And for that, Steven started from scratch and later amassed a fortune.

But, life still has its way for trouble and controversies.

To date, it’s still a question if Pastor Steven Furtick lives up to what he preached or just another false teacher of the gospel.

We can be the judge for that…or not.

I hope that this article opens your mind to critical thinking – Before you Go Be Sure To Check Out

Best-selling booksGreater, and Crash the Chatterbox.

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