
Al Sharpton Net Worth (2025)
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Al Sharpton Net Worth FI

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Al Sharpton Net Worth, Biography & Lifestyle:

Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr. is an American Baptist minister, civil rights, and social justice activist with a net worth of $2.5 million.

Al is also the founder and president of NAN and a host of Politics Nation and MSNBC.

Fun Fact!

Before going into politics, Al was a licensed and ordained Pentecostal minister at the age of nine.

Let’s not wait any longer.

Today, we’re going to be diving deep into Al Sharpton’s career, and we’ll be looking at:

  • How Al used his sharp mind and resonating voice to help the oppressed;
  • His time in prison – what really happened?
  • Al’s personal life and relationship – Is he really a womanizer?
  • The pastor’s charitable acts;
  • And lots more are coming right up!

Ready? Let’s get going and scrolling with Al Sharpton!

Who Is Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton Net Worth

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Al Sharpton is an American Baptist minister, civil rights activist, and social justice advocate, especially for those who went through racial prejudice. 

One of his cases is on the rape and abduction by white men of a teenage girl named Tawana Bradley. 

Unfortunately, the case wasn’t successful, as the claims turned out to be false.

Al also helps others like Bernhard Goetz, Yusef Hawkins, Amadou Diallo, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and more!

In 1991, he founded National Action Network (NAN) – an organization that aims to bring awareness to voter education, support small business owners, and provide resources to the poor.

In 1997, Al ran for New York City Mayor, followed by his presidency in 2004.

Truth be told…

…Al is an ordained minister before going into politics. 

In 1994, he was re-baptized by Reverend Willian Augustus Jones. He was even in a public debate in 2007 with Christopher Hitchens – an atheist writer.

As Reverend Al Sharpton, he held a memorial for Michael Jackson and a eulogy for George Floyd.


…in 1991, while leading a protest in Brooklyn, Michael Riccardi stabbed Al in the chest. 

Riccardi was sentenced by Sharpton’s aides to 15 years of imprisonment with first-degree assault in 1992. 

However, in 2001, Riccardi was released on parole after ten years. This time, Al filed a suit against the New York City police. 

He claimed that they failed to protect him during the protest and received a $200,000 settlement in 2003.

But he also experienced jail time.

Al Sharpton was imprisoned for trespassing while leading a protest against the US military. He stayed at the Metropolitan Detention Center for 90 days.

Aside from that…

He met with the Zongo family and provided legal services. Ousmane Zongo is an unarmed West African immigrant who was shot during a raid in the neighborhood of Manhattan.

What a roller coaster kind of life for a minister!

Check Out His Book: Rise Up Confronting a Country at the Crossroads

Profession: activist, author, host, American baptist ministe
Worth: $2.5 Million
Date of Birth: 1954-10-03 (His age now is 70.)
Current Occupation: activist, author, host, American baptist minister
Eye Colour: Black
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Favorite Food: Healthy and fresh foods such as fish and vegetables
Place of Birth:  Brooklyn, New York
Language: English
No. of Children: 2
Nationality: American
Religion: Baptist
Relationship Status : Divorced

How Much Is Al Sharpton Net Worth?

This sharp-minded individual, Al Sharpton, has an estimated net worth of $2 million.

Al Sharpton Net Worth By Year

YearEarnings $
2011$145, 000
2012$250, 000
2013$385, 000
2014$420, 000
2015$500, 000
2016$672, 000
2017$740, 000
2018$845, 000
2019$985, 000
2020$1.5 Million
2021$2 Million

Are you curious about his net worth?

Thanks to his tons of appearances on different TV shows and news channels such as Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC contributes to Al Sharpton’s net worth.

Al, aside from being a controversial political activist, manages his business – Raw Talent and Reveals Communications. 

He’s been paid as an author and speaker in various events that explain how he accumulates his net worth to date.

Check out his books about his personal life and fight for social injustice and racism.

Al Sharpton Books

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Rise Up: Confronting a Country at the Crossroads

The experience of Al Sharpton on his political life, as a tv and radio host, and activist

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The Rejected Stone: Al Sharpton the Path to American Leadership

Al Sharpton shared his personal life – ups and downs from his career as a host.

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Al on America

Al Sharpton outlined his vision for brand new leadership in America. A leader who understands the needs of the country and its people – that’s the point of this book.

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Go and Tell Pharaoh

Al Sharpton tells the story of his life as a kid and while growing up.

The Young Al Sharpton

Young Al Sharpton

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Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City, in October 1954

On October 3, 1954 – Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr. was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City. Al is of Native American descent in Cherokee. He learned life while growing up in the Brownsville neighborhood in New York.

Did you know?

Al, at an early age – four to be exact- preached his first sermon and had the opportunity to tour with Mahalia Jackson, a gospel singer.

And you know what’s cooler?

At the early age of nine, Al was ordained as a Pentecostal minister by Bishop F.D. Washington. Later, he was re-baptized by Reverend Willian Augustus Jones as a Baptist minister.

Al Sharpton graduated from Samuel J. Tilden High School in Brooklyn. 

Later on, he attended Brooklyn College, but after two years of studying, Al dropped out in 1975.

From then, Al led numerous protests with other civil rights leaders. He helped victims of racial prejudice

Al Sharpton Family & Relationships

Al Sharpton Ex-Wives – Marsha Tinsley and Kathy Jordan

Al Sharpton married Marsha Tinsley, but after a year of marriage, they called it quits.

In 1971, while touring with the American singer James Brown, Al Sharpton met Kathy Jordan.

Al and Kathy Jordan married in 1980. Unfortunately, they ended their relationship after fifteen years of marriage. 

Al Sharpton filed for divorce in 2021.

To date, Al has Aisha McShaw, born on March 4, 1978, as a young girlfriend, and they’ve been criticized for their age gap since then.

Al Sharpton Daughters – Dominique and Ashley

Al Sharpton Daughters

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Kathy Jordan and Al Sharpton have two kids – Dominique and Ashley.

Both Sharpton’s daughters are quite influential.

Since 2008, Dominique Sharpton has been a part of the National Action Network.

On the other hand, Ashley Sharpton is also known to be an activist, social media manager, and entrepreneur among others.

Al Sharpton Parents – Ada Sharpton and Alfred Charles Sharpton Sr

Al Sharpton Parents

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Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr. was born to Ada and Alfred Charles Sharpton Sr.

Sadly, Al’s father left their family in 1963. Since they were living in a middle-class neighborhood, his mother had to support and manage the family.

Because of what happened, they’ve been qualified for welfare assistance that moved them to the public housing projects in the neighborhood of Brownsville in Brooklyn.

In an interview…

…Al shared that his mother, Ada used to scrub floors, put rags in her pocketbook, and rode subways to put food on their table. 

Al also reminisced that her mother taught her a lot of values while growing up- “Life is not about where you start, but where you’re going.”

Al Sharpton has three siblings – including his stepsister, who became his father’s wife.

In 1963, Al’s father left them for one reason – Sharpton’s half sister (Ernestine), with whom his father had an affair.

Unbelievable, right?!

There’s more coming in a flash!

Let’s look forward to Al Sharpton’s generosity and another dose of scandals and controversies.

Al Sharpton Career

  • 2020 Eulogy for George Floyd (died of a controversial death because of a white police officer)
  • 2017 March on Washington (a protest on racism and the Donald Trump administration)
  • 2011 Al Sharpton became a host and commentator on MSNBC; Politics Nation; NBC Morning Joe
  • 2006 Keepin It Real with Al Sharpton on Radio One
  • 1991 Al established the NAN
  • 1971 Al founded the National Youth Movement
  • 1969 Youth Director of Operation Breadbasket

Al Sharpton Scandals & Controversies

In 2014, Al Sharpton allegedly faced problems with finances. 

It was reported that his business owed an amount of $4.5 million in state and federal back taxes. 

Al supposedly needs to pay $3.7 million in tax. However, he clarified the issue and said that he has paid for everything, although there were still speculations from the media.

In his presidential campaign in 2004, Al received assistance from the federal government, but he had exceeded the expenditures limits. 

As a result, in 2005, Al repays $100,000, and the Federal Election Commission fined him $285,000 for breaking the campaign finance rules.

Not only that…

Al Sharpton had to face serious backlash on his comments on the Mormons, racial and homophobic views, Tawana Brawley rape case, and as an FBI informant.

Al Sharpton Philanthropy

In 1969, this civil rights leader, Al Sharpton was appointed by Jesse Jackson as youth director of the New York City Branch, Operation Breadbasket- an organization for African Americans who lacked the means to support themselves.

To raise resources that could provide assistance for the impoverished youth, he also established the National Youth Movement.

Al aims to support small community businesses while increasing voter education through establishing the National Action Network (NAN).

In 2016, alongside some businessmen and philanthropist Don Vaccaro, they launched the Grace Church website – a non-profit organization that helps other established churches establish their website.

Fun Facts About Al Sharpton

  • Sharpton serves as James Brown manager.
  • Al’s great grandfather Coleman Sharpton was a slave and was later freed (both sad and fun fact!).
  • Al Sharpton is a member of the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity.
  • He became a Baptist minister after George Washington’s death.

5 Financial Freedom Lessons From Al Sharpton

  1. Give what you can already give at the moment.
  2. Invest in poverty.
  3. Create an environment for financial freedom.
  4. Pay off your taxes.
  5. Your finances do not define you as a person.
Boucemojo’s 5 Lessons We Can Learn From Al Sharpton For Financial Freedom

Top 3 Quote From Al Sharpton

  • “You’re in it whether you like it or not. Don’t let other people make decisions for you. Stand up and make them for yourself”.
  • “Who defines terrorists? Today’s terrorist is tomorrow’s friend”.
  • “A lot of what we were angry at comes from way back.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Al Sharpton a real minister?

Yes, Al Sharpton is a minister who founded the National Action Network.

How did Al Sharpton lose weight?

Al Sharpton loses his weight by being strict with his diet – no meat and starch.

Who is Al Sharpton’s wife?

Al Sharpton’s wife is Kathy Jordan – backup singer.

Summary: Al Sharpton Net Worth and Biography

Al Sharpton is as sharp as a double-edged sword. His advocacy is always on point and so is his voice.

Al’s past shaped him to become the person he is today. And I’m sure we learn from his personal and professional life.

He will be an activist following all his advocacies until his final breath – we’ll look forward to it.

I hope you find this article helpful and enjoyable- you might also want to Check Out His Book: Rise Up Confronting a Country at the Crossroads

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