
Lil Pump Height, Weight &
Body Statistics [UPDATED] 2024

Lil Pump Vital Stats

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Lil Pump, also known as Gazzy Garcia, is a rapper who went viral because of his song “Gucci Gang.”

But today, we won’t be talking about his booming career. 

Instead, we’re excited to give you the deets to Lil Pump Height, Weight Vital Statistics. We’ll dig deeper into: 

  • His height
  • The scoop if he did gain some weight
  • His shoe size and fave footwear

And lots more!

I bet you’re ready…


Lil Pump Man Vital Stats…

Lil Pump Vital Stats

How tall is Lil Pump?

For those of you who are curious…

… Lil Pump is 173 centimeters tall (5’7”). 

Lil Pump Height

I’m curious if you ever knew about this fact? If not, feel free to tag us on Twitter with your reaction to it.

What is Lil Pump’s weight?

Lil Pump Weight

In 2019, many were shocked to see Lil Pump’s weight gain. 

Most of them even labeled the rapper as Big Pump…

… and included him in the ‘7 Rappers Who Completely Let Themselves Go’ – wherein they emphasized his weight gain.

Lil Pump Age

After a few months, Lil Pump shared a photo of himself with the caption “Lol now, I’m skinny.” The rapper is now back to his 62-kilogram weight, and he’s never been happier.

I mean, wouldn’t you be too?

What are Lil Pump’s other measurements?

Since Lil Pump went back to being skinny…

… his chest size is back to 40 inches, while his waist measures 33 inches. 

The ‘Gucci Gang’ singer has a shoe size of US Men’s 9.

Fun Fact: Lil Pump prefers his slides to sneakers. 

His favorite sandals include his Gucci slides, Jordan, and his iconic pink pair.

Lil Pump Measurements

Now that we know about his fave slides…

… let’s talk about some of his go-to kicks.

So, even if Lil Pump isn’t that fond of sneakers, he’s still usually seen with expensive ones on. A few of the rapper’s most expensive kicks include his Yeezy’s, Balenciaga, and Jordans.

Lil Pump Looks

Enough about his footwear already…

How Lil Pump Styles Himself

Lil Pump Style

Street. Cozy. Rugged. 

These words best describe the everyday Lil Pump outfits. 

He’s usually seen with brands like Fendi, Tom Ford, Balenciaga, and his ultimate fave, Gucci. 

If you’re an OG fan of this guy, then you know that Lil Pump is popularly known for his street fashion and quirky hair colors.

Yes, we made sure to include his hair color on this one…

… because it ain’t the ‘I Love It’ singer without his colorful dreadlocks. 

In fact, one of the things his fans are looking forward to is his next hair color.

Conclusion: Lil Pump Height, Weight & Vital Stats

Alright! There you have it – a more in-depth view of Lil Pump’s Vital Stats. 

By the way, I wonder what your favorite Lil Pump hair color is? Mine would probably be his world-famous pink dreadlocks.

Also, can you believe this guy is 5’7” tall?

But hey, I’m incredibly amazed at how he prefers to use his slides than his expensive sneakers. I mean, comfort over fashion, right?

Did you enjoy reading? I bet you did. If you want to know more about Lil Pump, you can check out Bio and Net Worth articles on BounceMojo.com. 

Don’t forget to put the Bounce in your Mojos today!

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