Tai Lopez Scam – (2024)
Facts | Success | Fame [UPDATED]
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Is he or isn’t he? Is Tai Lopez a Scam?
The quick answer is YES and No!!!
It all started with a rented Lamborghini, a garage, and a YouTube video ‘Here In My Garage’.
Lopez sure is the king of fake it to you make it…
and did he make it.
Tai is a recognized investor, entrepreneur, and social media personality.
He’s big enough to earn a place in the glare of publicity with a net worth estimated to be around $60 million.
Table of Contents
That’s just a speculative number.
Just like me, you probably have a lot of questions in mind.
Let’s answer there now…
To start:
This first-rate influencer is a true believer in the power of knowledge.
He pushes people to reach out for more opportunities for economic freedom and creativity to achieve what he so preaches to be the “Good Life.”
Now, imagine yourself paying a steep price for something you later found out is on the internet… for free…
Are we truly double-crossed by this executive dressed to the nines…
… or not?
You be the judge.
Let’s hop into the Tai Lopez Scam.
Tai Lopez is far-famed for his social media platforms.
His success is hugely credited to selling widely accepted wisdom – to help individuals turn their life around for the better – equipped with the perfect mindset for success.
Social media promotions are his way of chiseling into the viewers.
Obsessed with his perception of the “Good Life,” this internet marketer convinces his audiences to follow him…
Of course…
… for a small price they’ll need to pay…
If you have money to spare, you possibly would.
This click-bait boondoggle has duped a lot of people into buying courses ranging from $500 to $7000 only to find out they could have found his content for free on the internet.
Be warned: Online marketing tactics can fool even fool-proof wily veterans.
And this is a great example.
Tai Lopez Scam #1: 67 Steps to Success
As if success is a one size fits all, Tai Lopez released his big-hit motivational course and called it the “67 Steps to Success.”
It’s a step-by-step course he introduces to the group to reach the materialization of success – more especially stimulating people to start their own business and thrive.
Here, Tai simplifies the success process for everyone – to believe it’s easily attainable.
In a matter of months, the podcast and youtube channel Lopez created had more than 900 thousand subscribers.
With each step lasting for about 30mins to an hour, Tai Lopez does more than just teach – he questions you and asks you to jot things down.
What’s more…
Based on real reviews (not the overly positive ones that have been said to be paid for), $67 for a 67 step program every month isn’t worth it.
Users even suggest going for free or cheaper alternatives like browsing for inspirational YouTube Videos or opting to watch Shark Tank and Ted Talks.
Ain’t that a bummer?
Better save your money for something worthwhile then…
On a brighter note, the course is protected by ClickBank. In other words, you can ask for a refund in case you change your mind and want to discontinue your subscription.
Tai Lopez Scam #2: Accelerator Program
Another start-a-business-and-you’ll-be-successful trap…
Tai Lopez’s second course is it.
Called the Accelerator Program, it’s calculated to make many people WANT to pursue real estate, a Business career, or build their businesses.
As you start, a brilliantly designed fill-out system determines which program within the course you’ll take on.
Either you’re fit for the Money Program, Entrepreneur Program, or the Persuasion Program.
Each of these programs teaches different aspects better suited to whatever the type of business you have in mind.
Let me give a run-down:
First, the Money Program teaches essential Financial management.
Second, the Entrepreneur Program expounds on building a business from scratch.
Lastly, the Persuasion program demonstrates proper financial investments and business expansions.
To have a taste of that, you only need to subscribe for $997…
Nearly a thousand dollars a month for a get-rich course…
Is it actually worth one hard-earned dime?
Many people don’t believe so.
According to them, Tai Lopez explicates textbook education and sprinkles it with basics they already know.
Some of the points can be learned by simply scanning through different books or educational videos online.
What the heck is that?
If you’re still not convinced, we could give Tai the benefit of the doubt.
We could say his programs are not a scam – no broken promises or failed expectations.
But it’s safe to say his sales tactics are tacky and misleading.
According to the flexyourbrain website, Tai’s tactics are the stand-outs that make people think they’re being played.
Here’s a list of red-flags:
- In a monthly membership, they don’t tell you what you’re paying for until you purchase it.
- The Lamborghini was rented, a bookshelf full of books (really), and the mansion (rented)- they all look staged and calculated. The showcase of luxury is an attempt to make the masses associate him with success.
- By name dropping “Hollywood Hills” he makes it seem even shadier.
- Tai also flatters his viewers a little too much by saying “If you’ve watched this much, you’re obviously pretty smart!”
- Although he publicizes reading one book a day, Tai Lopez himself just skims them.
- Lastly, using catchy, unbelievable, too-good-to-be-true YouTube titles such as – “How to make 1 Million Dollars if You Are Completely Broke”.
In Conclusion:
If you want to start a business, plan to quit your day job, and go into business full-time, or you have some ideas on what to sell but just don’t know where to start…
… then Tai Lopez’s programs might do you some good.
However, Tai Lopez is not for those who want an outdoor experience.
His courses are the same as a college course – you’ll study hard and read a whole lot!
Don’t waste your money if you’re not willing to start from the beginning with his courses and slowly rebuild your mentality.
But the price! Oh yes, the price…
If you’re wise and patient enough you can find everything for pennies on the dollar online.
Here’s the gas…
If you’re smart enough to invest in similar courses for cheap, you’re smart and wise enough to get rich on your own.
I don’t know if Tai’s course is worth a thousand dollars, maybe something but $1k seems like a lot.
And sometimes, people go to the extreme just to reach the million-dollar goal.
Everything is good as long as it makes money…
… money to buy us the “Good Life” that social media slaps in our faces every single day.
But success and money take more than a 67 step program to achieve.
Many people have fallen for the trap.
Don’t fall prey to the numbers.
You’ll have to make up your own mind, is Tai Lopez a scam or not?