
20+ Best Justin Bieber Memes

Justin Bieber Memes

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And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you’d always be mine, mine…

If you sang along while reading the lines above, you’re probably an OG Justin Bieber fan – or you’ve heard this song more than once in your life.

Either way, point is, you’ve come across Justin Bieber at one point in your life. Sure, he’s the IT guy! He’s talented, handsome, religious. I mean, I could go on and on and still not finish by day’s end.

As much as I’d love to fill you in on this guy’s “awesomeness,” we won’t be talking about his hit single, Baby, or anything about him as a pop star.

Instead, we’ll give you more reasons to laugh today with our compilation of Justin Bieber memes you have either seen or chosen to not look at before! 

And in case you didn’t know…

… Justin Bieber is a singer, songwriter, music video producer, and husband to Hailey Baldwin. 

Besides that, he’s known for his viral memes on the internet. So now, we’re giving you the Best Justin Bieber Memes you’ll ever have. 

Are you excited?

I bet you are!

Wait no more…

… because here are our favorite Bieber memes.

Buckle up.

1. When you finished all of the chores, but your mom still scolds you.


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What did I do this time? (Sobs in the corner.)

I’m sure that’s what Justin Bieber’s gonna say to his mom if he’s ever still scolded after doing some chores. 

But hey… 

… does the pop star still do chores

Feel free to comment down below if you think Justin Bieber still does his chores. *wink wink*

2. That face of regret after seeing your ex happy with her new boyfriend.

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That should be me, holding your hand…

That should be me, making you laugh…

That should be me… That should be me…

Admit it, you sang along while reading those lines.

That Should Be Me” is truly the perfect song to match this meme. 

I wonder which ex Justin Bieber sang this song for. Hmmm.

3.  When you say a swear word and turn around, there’s a teacher behind you. “I’m doomed.”

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I bet you made the same face Justin Bieber had when you were caught!

I guess it’s time to just stay on your seat and act as if nothing happened. 

Probably try to swear only in your mind next time, eh.

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4. Me acting shocked when my poor decisions lead to negative outcomes.

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This is one of those Justin Bieber memes that mirror exactly how we look when we’re disappointed by ourselves. 


better luck next time, eh?

5. My face when I found out that my brother stole my food.

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Arghhhh, what do you mean my food’s lost?

Watch out, bro. 

I know you stole my food. 

I’m watching you (speaks in Justin Bieber’s deep voice).

6. When you didn’t sleep for your ACT, but your score stayed the same???

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I feel so betrayed.

I’m sure every high school student trying to get better ACT scores can relate to this Justin Bieber meme.

Maybe it’s best to always have a good night’s rest before an exam, kids.

7. When you’re trying to look hot for a date… but you can’t.

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At first glance, with his hoodie and yellow cap, you’d think Justin Bieber’s going to hit the gym.

But no…

… Justin Bieber was photographed by some paparazzi with Hailey Baldwin on a date wearing this outfit.


I think it’s better not to wear that outfit for a date next time. Do you get me, Biebs? Heed my advice, will ya?

8. That moment when you’re in the zoo with your family and realized you’re lost.

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Alright, Bieber, calm down.

*screams inside – I’m looooost!*

Have you ever got lost in the zoo and couldn’t find your parents? 

If so, please share your story with us in the comment section down below.

9. If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go.

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If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go…

Keep you on my arm girl, you’d never be alone.

I can be a gentleman, anything you want.

If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go. I’d never let you go…


I mean, Justin Bieber certainly proved this when he married his girlfriend, Hailey Baldwin. 

Good for you, Justin!

It’s one way to pursue one woman and another to really commit to her, aye?

10. Mom: “Why won’t you respond to my calls?” Me: “I’m sorry. I was busy.”

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If you lose, it’s just a video game. But if you win, you are the King of the World.

Hey mom, is it too late now to say sorry?

Yeah, I know that I let you down.

Is it too late to say I’m sorry now?

TBH, I’m sure your mom will forgive you, Justin. 

Just sing this line from the song, and I bet she’ll give in to those puppy eyes.

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11.  Me to my laptop when it suddenly crashes down five minutes before a deadline:

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Laptops can smell fear. Let’s get that straight!

That feeling when your laptop’s so savage it decides to shut down when you’re trying to finish your work before the deadline…

*facepalms like Bieber*

12. You to your friend: You can’t overthink things if you don’t think.

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Oh well…

If you think about it, he’s right.

This Belieber meme is reminding us…

… maybe it’s time to listen to your friend and stop thinking so that you can also stop overthinking.

Period. LOL.

13. Your reaction when she says,… you’re the only boy I’m talking to.

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Are you really talking to only one boy, girl?


I can only believe you but I won’t think too much about it.

14. When you thought your phone was charging overnight… 

      Then you wake up realizing it wasn’t plugged in.

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I just wasted my time, time, time, time, time.

If I could try to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind.

I wish my phones could charge together as fast.

Kidding aside. 

Don’t forget to plug your phone next time, Justin!

15. “When your parents ask how you are handling the family business.”

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A crying Justin Bieber.

That’s alright. 

Just cry it out – then you can explain to your parents how difficult it is to handle a family business.

Or maybe wipe your tears and act as if you didn’t cry – tough boy, Bieber.

16. “When you’re cramming your paper the day it’s due…”

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Peace be with you, teacher.

I was waiting for some inspiration to make my paper. But instead, all I had was time for some procrastination.

I will try not to cram next time. *pinky swear*

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17. “What’s your favorite childhood memory?” Me: Not paying bills.

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I feel you, Justin! 

If we could only take a time machine back to the days when we’re just happy playing and goofin’ around…

… and not doing any adulting responsibilities…

If only” – those are the keywords.

But hey, take some time to appreciate how adorbs this baby Justin Bieber is. It’s so rare it could pass as a Google stock photo of some random kid.

18. Me thinking how can I transfer money from my mind to my bank account:

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My wallet is feeling a little thirsty. 

If I can only transfer money from my mind to my bank account, I’d be as rich as Justin Bieber by now.

19. “When you accidentally answer a call, and now you have to talk to that person.”

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That moment when you just wanna say ‘Bye, Felicia!’ to the person calling you…

… but your hand already pressed the answer button. 

No worries, Justin Bieber. 

If I could count how many times I’ve had this experience, it’ll probably take me a day or two.

20. “Your mom’s face happily taking pictures of you in public:”

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Say cheese!

For all those Gen Z kids who have Instagram moms…

… I’m 101% sure this is one of those Justin Bieber memes you can totally relate to.

Conclusion: Best Justin Bieber Memes Ever

There you have it – Justin Bieber isn’t just a lovely singer but also a guy photographed with a bunch of hilarious facial expressions. 

… or should I say meme-worthy photos!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed looking through these Justin Bieber memes as much as I did making them. 

BTW, why not read more about Justin Bieber by checking out our other Justin Bieber articles? 

You can dig through his life in our Justin Bieber Biography article or take a look at how wealthy the pop star is in our Net Worth article. 

While you’re at it, enjoy reading about some Justin Bieber jokes too.

Whatever suits you well, Belieber.

Anyway, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much can you relate to these Justin Bieber memes? Feel free to leave us some love by sharing with us your favorite Justin Bieber memes.

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