
10+ [MUST READ] John Macarthur Books
[Author of The Secret to Success]

John Macarthur Books FI 1

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John Macarthur Books: John Macarthur – born June 19, 1939 – is an American pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church, conference speaker, chancellor of The Master’s University and Seminary, the featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry, and an acclaimed author.

Inspired by his versatility and wanna explore him more?

Well, the ideal way to get familiar with someone’s personality is to look at what he writes. So, we’ll dig through his book and try to quench your thirst for information.


…before that, let’s take a brief overview of his career and life story.

Make sure to stick around and persist your curiosity, we’ll get back to discussing his books soon.

Let’s get started!

Grace Community Church

John Macarthur Books

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So, basically in 1969, John Macarthur moved to Grace Community Church, right after the completion of his degree from Talbot Theological Seminary. Macarthur showed his careful insight for the observation and revelation of each verse of the Bible.

Not only this…

…with his leadership, worship services organized by the Grace Community Church was a huge success – a two-day Housefull event with around 3000 participants in number.

Hundreds of members are enrolled there in numerous fellowship programs and coaching batches every week.


….in 1985, John Macarthur was considered as the president of The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, California, an officially recognized institution of liberal arts offering degree programs from bachelors to masters-level specifically for Christians.

Later in 1986, he established The Master’s Seminary, an educational establishment committed to drill the individuals for expanding and promoting spiritual guidance and Christianity.

Unleashing God’s Truth One Verse at a Time,

Macarthur also belongs to Grace to You, as a chairman and featured teacher since 1969.

Grace to You oversees the development, production, and distribution of Macarthur’s publications in hardcovers or as in the audio-books, and the radio and television broadcast of the organization, voluntarily.

Radio in Grace to You gives voice to the eternal verities of the Bible thousands of times regularly to the English communicating states around the world.

Okay, so now the part you have been waiting for… His books…

When it comes to writing John Macarthur has written more than a hundred study guides and books. Here, we’ll look into his top publications.

Are you ready?

Fasten your seat belts and here we go…

#1. Gospel According to Jesus 

Publisher ‏: ‎Zondervan on Brilliance Audio; Unabridged edition

Date of Publication: May 30, 2017

Language ‏: ‎ English

Description: In this publication, the ideology of “easy believism” has been addressed by the author.

His words confront the Christians to think over their allegiance to Christ with the examination of their rewards.

Macarthur asks, “What does it really mean to be saved?”

He impulses the readers to keep in mind that their conversion was more than a mere point in time, that, by definition, it involves a complete life of obedience, compliance, and devotion with Christ as Lord from the deep soul.

That sounds just about right!

#2. Our Sufficiency in Christ  

Publisher ‏: ‎ Crossway

Date of Publication: July 10, 1998

Language ‏: ‎ English

Hardcover: 288 pages

Description: In this book, Macarthur emphasizes the spiritual assets that the

Christians have displaced and defines the ways to avoid making similar mistakes repeatedly.

This book will display that God has provided you with completion, and give a complete visualization of the fact that how Christ is sufficient for you in every possible aspect.

#3. Strange Fire 

Publisher ‏: ‎ Thomas Nelson; 1st Edition

Date of Publication: November 19, 2013

Language ‏: ‎ English

Hardcover ‏: ‎ 352 pages

Description: In Strange Fire, a terrifying situation has been expanded by MacArthur 

In opposition to the modern Charismatic movement. The book consists of petrified points such as rejecting false prophets, speaking out against the errors of the modern Charismatic movement, which shows the actual reverence to the glory of the Holy Spirit.

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#4. Ashamed Of The Gospel

Publisher: ‎Crossway; 3rd edition

Date of Publication: January 5, 2010

Language ‏ : ‎ English

Hardcover: 304 pages

Description: Ashamed of the Gospel is one of the most selling books of John MacArthur.

He criticized the seeker-sensitive, user-friendly, entertainment-oriented pragmatism -who pervades the church- on their accommodation with the cultural issues. He challenged the Gospel to re-evaluate the revelation of their religious duties to build a better civilization.

#5. The Murder Of Jesus

Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers; 2nd Edition

Date of Publication: April 1, 2004

Language: ‎ English

Hardcover: 272 pages

Description: In the said publication, the writer shed light on the cruelest and unjustified act in the history of man, the passionate Jesus Christ, and the exceptional ascendancy of the supremacy of God.

#6. Twelve Extraordinary Women

Publisher: ‎ Thomas Nelson

Date of Publication: January 1, 2005

Language: ‎ English

Hardcover: 218 pages

Description: In the mentioned title, 

a very touching and distinctive look has been given into the lives of the twelve most true-hearted women according to the Bible.

Just like all the believers at any age, these faithful women have faced struggles and hardships with only the trust in God.

Inside this book, bestselling author and Bible teacher John MacArthur tries to display that the God to whom they were so dedicated is the same God who continues to mold and use ordinary people today.

#7. The Truth War

Publisher: ‎ Thomas Nelson

Date of Publication: April 3, 2007

Language: ‎ English

Description: John MacArthur has written this book to reveal the tactics used by the enemy and the ways to be prepared for a fight.

The chunks that you’ll learn are the risks involved in postmodern thinking, the ingrained shortcoming in the Emerging Church Movement, the historic conflicts and the influence in the war of truth on the recent church, and the indispensable importance of truth and assurance in a postmodern age.

#8. Twelve Ordinary Men

Publisher: ‎ Thomas Nelson

Date of Publication: May 8, 2006

Language: ‎ English

Hardcover: 201 pages

Description: In Twelve Ordinary Men, 

John Macarthur explains how a person can mold his weak points into an essential attribute to impress others. The book is having the stories of twelve men that Christ chose as the dedicated follower of Christ.

#9. The Marcarthur Study Bible

Publisher: ‎ Crossway

Date of Publication: August 10, 2010

Language: ‎ English

Hardcover: 2114 pages

Description: Macarthur has assembled his work of more than three decades as a pastor and 

scholar for the creation of the most encyclopedic research on the bible study to date. 

It serves as a vital tool for emerging Christians. The English Standard Version (EVS) is rapidly becoming a well-known English translation of the Bible. Trouble-free to read, authentic, and reliable to the original Greek and Hebrews.

#10. The Jesus You Can’t Ignore

Publisher:‎ Thomas Nelson

Date of Publication: October 3, 2010

Language: ‎ English

Hardcover: 272 pages

Description: Being an inquisitive journalist on a mission, best-selling author and teacher John MacArthur depicts the gospel records and explains to you an astonishing and miraculous visualization of Jesus which can not be ignored.

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#11. One Faithful Life

Publisher: ‎ Thomas Nelson

Date of Publication: April 2, 2019

Language: ‎ English

Hardcover: 528 pages

Description: One Faithful Life: A harmony of the life and letters of Paul is the story of Christ’s devoted servant. Being a faithful believer, Paul’s life revolves around  his God’s command and instructions.

#12. Slave

Publisher: ‎ Thomas Nelson

Date of Publication: November 5, 2012

Language: ‎ English

Hardcover: 288 pages

Description: Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ is a creation of its kind by Macarthur.

In this masterpiece, he has declared that being Christ’s slave is a substantial entitlement for Christians.

You see the quoted text below clearly some up the essence of this publication.

“But the language of slavery does more than merely picture the gospel. It is central to the message of salvation. That is because the slavery metaphor points to the reality of Christ’s lordship, and the lordship of Christ is essential to the biblical gospel.”

Conclusion: John MacArthur books

There you have it! Did you enjoy reading John Macarthur’s Books? I hope this article educated you enough!

Also, no wonder why he has a great ranking overall in his books; it’s because of his spiritual beliefs and the great delivery of the holy words!

MacArthur is a Reformed Protestant and a prominent representative of expository preaching, which reflects in his writings.

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