
11+ Jimmy Swaggart Book

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Best Jimmy Swaggart Books: Jimmy Lee Swaggart is an American Pentecostal televangelist. He is primarily famous for writing thousands of books about Christianity.

Apart from that, he is a singer, pastor, pianist, and author.


His weekly show “Jimmy Swaggart and A Study in the Word” programs globally and has a massive following, too.

And here’s the kicker.

He won a Grammy Award nomination for Best Performance for Traditional Gospel.

And that’s not the end!

There’s more to this famous televangelist that what we all know. So today, we’re diving deep into the best books by Jimmy Swaggart.

Let’s get going…

#1. The Message of the Cross

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 2013

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

The first book on our list is “The Message of the Cross” by Jimmy Swaggart. It was originally published in 2013 and had a total of 278 pages.

The book is mainly about recalling Jesus Christ and discussing the benefits of his Passion and Death.

The title describes the book pretty well as the cross is the sign of Jesus and Christians’ faith, and for that reason, it falls into the popular categories of books.

Turns out…

The book also talks about the salvation of the soul and how one should live and die for God, just the way Jesus did.

Aside from a hard copy of the book, you can also get a used book, DVD, and more.

Check out: The Message of the Cross

#2. Bible Commentary

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 1996

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

Here is another Swaggart book namedBible Commentary.” It was published in 1996 and has made a massive impact on its followers. .

As a matter of fact, its categorized by critics as the most helpful Bible commentary ever published.

In short…

This commentary leads its readers to better understanding of the Bible instead of just providing statements or verses. The author describes every aspect of the Bible from the first chapter to the last.

The book focuses on the real meaning of the bible and makes it easier for people to understand and inspire them to the fullest.

Jimmy also included a few cultural, relevant, and historical references and the terms used in the books.

So if you are looking for something better to understand the Bible and some references to back up its historical accuracy, then this is the perfect match for you.

Check out: Bible Commentary

#3. The Sin Nature

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 2005

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

“The Sin Nature” is an incredible book by Jimmy Swaggart published in 2018. The book talks about a very fragile topic as it directs you toward the beginning of this world when Adam and Eve ended up doing what was forbidden and causing all the comforts of this world to disappear forever.

The author describes how they entered a sinful nature and then had to face the consequences followed by those events.


Many generations came after them, and every person had to face their fair share of difficulties, but where did it all begin? Seems like sin is nature.

The writer also talks about the fact that we can gain nothing from a mistake other than a lesson.

He tells his readers how to resolve the problem and get out of that sinful nature. Other than being rebellious to God and doing what seems right to us, we should rather follow the path God has chosen for us, and hence we shall succeed according to Jimmy.

Check out: The Sin nature

#4. The Rapture of the Church

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 2019

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

In this book, The Rapture of the Church,” published in 2019, the writer talks about another important aspect of everyone’s life.

The writer says that whatever God says comes true one day, and now God talks about the day of resurrection when everything will end.

But the question is…

When will this day come, and what will take place?

Jimmy Swaggart answers all such questions in this book as the day of judgment will bring the world to an end, and people will have to pay for their deeds. Good and bad both.

People learning about their religion definitely have many questions in mind and mainly about the last day as that’s the day we are all preparing for.

So, how do we get prepared to face the day of resurrection, and how shall we pass it? Read this book and find out.

Check out: The Rapture of the Church

#5. Catholicism and Christianity

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 1986

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

The next book is “Catholicism and Christianity” by Jimmy Swaggart. In this book, the writer talks about two very important and famous institutions that are Catholicism and Christianity.

Most people consider their Roman Catholic faith and Christianity as the same thing.

But they are way more different from one another.

According to Swaggart…

Christianity was founded as a witness to Jesus Christ, and it is not an institution. Christianity makes you believe that Jesus is our savior who shall return before the day of Judgment to save us from the hellfire.

However, Jimmy says Catholicism came into being when the ruins of the Roman Empire gave birth to it. This religion became famous with all its power and force, and many people began believing in it.

There are over 50 million Roman Catholics in America and over one billion in the entire world.

So, this book compares both these religions and presents them with facts and studies.

Check out: Catholicism and Christianity

#6. David

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 2012

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

One of the most striking books by Jimmy Swaggart is “David.” It was published in 2012.

This book is entirely about its title, David. The writer tells his readers about the hardships faced by King David as he is the only human who saw the heights and depths of hardships any man can see in this world.

He also states that the Messiah and Savior of this world would come back because of this family.

As we move forward…

The book also talks about the fact that if you have faith in your heart and you are 100% on God’s side, nothing in this world can stop you.

A true believer doesn’t even think about the difficulties, as he just wants to see his God happy, and David did all that he could.

Check out: David

#7. Abraham

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 2013

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

In God’s vast system, Abraham has his specific place. God’s call on his life, which he received about 4,000 years ago, is still felt by believers today.

But who was this man to whom the Lord’s angel had to cry to stop him from offering his son to God?

Why was his faith considered righteous, and why was he called God’s friend?

As it appears…

This book is about the event which took place when Abraham, initially known as Ibrahim, was just about to slaughter his son just for the sake of God.

He was successful in his act, and hence God saved him and his son, granting them higher places in the world hereafter.

In this captivating book, Brother Swaggart takes his readers to Genesis and introduces them to Ibrahim, whom God transformed into Abraham via revelation, covenant, and promise.

We see this patriarch lying awake in the desert night, counting the stars while his Maker speaks to him.

Check out: Abraham

#8. Paul

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: January 1, 2011

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

Paul was the most exemplary Christian Christ ever produced, as Jimmy says. The great Word sent to Paul, which then became the New Testament, the meaning of the Cross, is said to be the greatest Word ever given to a human being.

That being said, it also made Paul one of the best known figures in modern Christianity.

Moving on…

No one creature has ever been transformed from hatred of Jesus Christ to unfathomable love like the Apostle Paul on the way to Damascus, and it was a clash that would change the history books.

Check out: Paul

#9. Noah

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 2013

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

The book “Noah” was published in 2013 by Jimmy Swaggert. This book holds a great place in many Bible reader’s collections thanks to its well-written content.

It is about Noah, who was separated from his family and loved ones because of the Great Flood.

The best part?

He kept believing in God and never gave up on himself. As a result, God helped him and asked him to build the largest ever constructed ship to reunite with his family.

The writer takes us through all the tough times and hurdles faced by Noah to achieve such a high level of faith as all he ever did was for his God.

Check out: Noah

#10. Great Women of the Bible

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Originally published: 2014

Author: Jimmy Swaggart

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

This book examines the lives of New Testament women who made significant contributions to God’s plan and operation. Despite this, Mary’s humble answer to God’s favor was, “Behold, the Lord’s handmaiden.”

Swaggart also examines the incredible faith of four women in this book: Mary Magdalene, who announced Jesus Christ’s resurrection; Mary and Martha, who witnessed Him raise their brother Lazarus from the dead; Phebe and the elect lady; and Lydia, who housed the first church in her home.

Moving on…

The tale of Mary occupies about 200 pages, from her lineage in the house of David to her amazing position as the mother of Jesus.

Women’s roles in the military are also addressed in two chapters.

Check out: Great Women of Bible

#11. Fall of Man

Jimmy Swaggart Book

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Author: Jimmy Swaggart

By: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

Next up is “The Fall of Man” by Jimmy Swaggart.

It is the story about Adam and Eve, who were created in the likeness of God, with the ability to reason, love, and serve their Creator to gain blessings.

They lived in Paradise, where everything was given to them, and they were free to go anywhere they wanted except for one garden, which was restricted as there was an apple from a specific tree that they could not eat.


…they did the opposite of what they were asked, and as a result of their failure to follow God’s instructions, they lost their spiritual life.

In this revelatory book, evangelist Jimmy Swaggart explains original sin, its deadly consequences, and the only remedy—Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Beginning in Genesis, readers are introduced to the Creator’s love for humanity—a strong love that even after Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, He accompanied them and devised a plan to bring them back.

Check out: The Fall of Man

Conclusion: Best Jimmy Swaggart Books

 Now we have come to an end!

Surely those were some of the masterpieces by Jimmy Swaggert as he has motivated and inspired hundreds of people.

All the knowledge and way of delivering facts brought Jimmy an unmatchable amount of success, and he has helped people overcome their misconceptions and fears.

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